Current and Recent Projects |
Made in the Shade HoustonAs webmaster I managed the seamless transition from one domain registrar and hosting provider to another one (without losing any uptime.
On The Mark Marketing ConsultancyAs interim Senior Program Manager at Hewlett Packard Enterprise I set up a new partner program, which included redesign of a website, creation of demo videos (Camtasia, Captivate).
Texas Foreign Language Association (TFLA)As Director of Technology I have completed the design and implementation of a new website, perform maintenance and updates. I am responsible for all technology related to the annual conferences and other events, including on-site registration, evaluation and aftercare.
Media Distribution Solutions / Better VideoAs local videographer in the greater Houston area I record video of lease properties (apartment complexes) that are then edited into promo videos for the leasing companies.
Stay Safe Driving SchoolOngoing project to develop a new logo and house style, marketing/product plan, promo video and outbound marketing initiatives.
Texas French SymposiumOne part of the annual Texas French Symposium competition is "video". Participating schools create a French-language video which is judged on both content and technical aspects. I collect all submitted videos convert to a common format and create a single DVD for judges and on-site showing.
Tomball Memorial High SchoolRecording video and creating DVDs and Blu-Rays of the yearly dance performances and choir pop-shows.
Klein Forest High SchoolRecording video and creating DVDs and Blu-Rays of the yearly choir pop-show and dinner theater performances.
Pendragon Academy of the Performing ArtsRecorded video and created DVDs and Blu-Rays of the yearly Spring and Nutcracker Concerts.
Awty International SchoolRecorded video and created DVDs of their yearly International Festivals.
Willow Wood Junior High SchoolRecording video and creating DVDs and Blu-Rays of the yearly dance performances and choir pop-shows.